Please select the device that you will be using below!  If you are still unsure of how to watch the videos, email us and someone will get back to you within 24 hours!

I want to watch Dale's Channel on my mobile phone:

    The Dale’s Channel show categories can be found inside of the Navigation Menu. The Navigation Menu has 3 small horizontal lines and is located in the top right corner of your screen. Tap the Navigation Menu and scroll down until you see DALE’S CHANNEL VIDEOS. Beneath DALE’S CHANNEL VIDEOS you will find the show categories and subcategories. Click the desired category or subcategory and enjoy the shows inside!

I want to watch Dale's Channel on my tablet:

     Like the mobile phone, the Dale’s Channel show categories can be found inside of the Navigation Menu. The Navigation Menu has 3 small horizontal lines and is located in the top right corner of your screen. Tap the Navigation Menu and scroll down until you see DALE’S CHANNEL VIDEOS. Beneath DALE’S CHANNEL VIDEOS you will find the show categories and subcategories. Click the desired category or subcategory and enjoy the shows inside!

I want to watch Dale's Channel on my computer:

.    After you’ve subscribed, a red navigation bar should have appeared at the top of your screen above the Main Menu. Inside of the red navigation bar are each of main show categories. If you hover your mouse/cursor over the category, it will show the subcategories in a drop down menu if the category has any. If you click one of the main show categories, all of the shows within that category will appear and display 6 shows per page.

I want to watch Dale's Channel on my TV:

    The easiest way to do this is to purchase an HDMI cord that is compatible with the device that you are using right now and connect the cord to one of your HDMI inputs on your TV (located on the back of your TV near where your DVD or Cable Connection may be. An HDMI cord is usually less than $20 at your local Radio Shack, Best Buy, or other electronics store.



NOTE: Before you purchase an HDMI cord, make sure your TV does in fact have an HDMI input.  When you purchase it, make sure that it is compatible with your phone, tablet, or laptop computer.  If you are unsure, it never hurts to ask for help.

If you have Chromecast, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, or other video streaming devices, you can play the videos on your phone, tablet, or computer and stream them to your TV.

Still need help?  Email us at and we’ll do the best we can to help!

A channel dedicated to telling the untold stories of early American Motorcycle History.